Clean and Simple.

Many of us have lived our lives trying to be good members of society and find happiness for ourselves, our family, and those around us.  We have had times where things have gone well for us and times that have sucked.  Lately, our society has become highly complex and is changing very quickly leaving many of us feeling confused and anxious.  With good reason.

To help us get out of confusion and make decisions for the future, we need to expand our knowledge of what is going on and reflect on the beliefs and values we grew up with. (These values and beliefs have actually led us to feeling confused and anxious).  As we do this, we will envision new choices and the way forward will become clear.  The world is as you dream it.  We can create the world we want to live in for ourselves, our family, and our society.  Perhaps we can live in harmony with all people and our earthly environment. Perhaps, a world where creativity, wonder, and expression abound.  But to do so requires personal responsibility.  Not necessarily responsibility in an obligatory way, but response-ability as the ability to respond with insight, integrity, and certitude.


The Catbird Seat

Expanding Awareness

Moving Forward with Integrity